
Will he judge only Aniyim?!


Radak: He will judge their case against those who afflict them. This is like "Shafteni Elokim v'Rivah Rivi" (Tehilim 43:1).


Malbim: Not only will he judge the rich. He will judge also between one Oni and another; a case about one Perutah is like a case of 10,000 Dinarim.


Why does the verse mention these three matters?


Malbim: The king's judgment extends over three matters. (a) Mishpat Bein Adam l'Chavero regarding Kinyanim, loans, etc. 1 (b) To give to the Evyon, who lacks food, his needs. (c) Mishpat against thieves, extortionists and oppressors.


Malbim explained that "Yishpot Aniyei Am" encompasses the entire nation (refer to 72:4:1:2). (PF)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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