
What are the implications of "ha'Yom La'asosam"?


Rashi: It implies "ha'Yom La'asosam" 1 - 'le'Olam ha'Ba Lekabel Secharam'


See Sifsei Chachamim. The Neginos also imply that "ha'Yom" is read together with "La'asosam" and not with "asher Anochi Metzav'cha".


See also the first Ba'al ha'Turim in Eikev. Refer also to 7:10:2:1.


Why is it important to know that Hashem rewards Tzadikim in the world to come?


Seforno: In order not to lose faith if one sees that he is not being rewarded in this world for all his good deeds.



Rashi writes that Hashem pays the Rasha in his lifetime in order to make him lose the world to come. This encourages Resha'im - they will be serene in this world, and they are not concerned for what will be afterwards?


So the Gemara states in Kidushin 39b - If one's sins outweigh his merits, Hashem will do good to him. He will be rewarded like (is proper for) one who fulfilled every letter of the Torah! 1


The Rasha is only concerned about this world, so Hashem pays him for the good that he does in the currency that he prefers. The Tzadik on the other hand, prefers to receive his reward in the world to come


Hadar Zekenim left this difficult. Perhaps he merely censures those who expound this nowadays, for it encourages Resha'im. Alternatively, he holds that this is R. Yakov's opinion, but Chachamim hold like Hadar Zekenim explained (refer to 7:10:1:3 - PF)


Rashi writes that Hashem pays the Rasha in his lifetime in order to make him lose the world to come. But this seems unfair - bearing in mind that the world to come is worth far more than any reward in this world?


Michtav me'Eliyahu (5, p.445): Mitzvos of a Rasha are merely a Kli for Ruchniyus, therefore their reward is in the framework of a Kli - in this world. Mitzvos of a Tzadik are a spiritual entity, therefore their reward is in the world to come.


Refer to 7:11:1:1:2.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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