
How will we reconcile the Paasu "Vayarem ba'Mateh Vayach es ha'Ye'or" with "Kach Matcha u'Netei Yadcha al Meymei Mitzrayim" in Pasuk 19?


Ramban: It means that Aharon first waved the staff in all directions 1 before striking the water of the Nile.


R. Bachye: Moshe issued Aharon with two instructions: 1. To strike the River Nile, to turn its water into blood; 2. To stretch out his hand wit the staff over all the other waters of Egypt, to turn them into blood. 2


Thereby ensuring that all the water would be stricken, and not just the water of the Nile.


See R. Bachye.


What is the significance of the fact that Aharon struck the water "before the eyes of Pharaoh"?


Rashbam: The fact that Aharon acted as Moshe's Shali'ach, raising his staff and striking it each time upon his command, boosted Moshe's esteem in the eyes of Pharaoh.


R. Bachye: Refer to 7:18:1:2.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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