Why does it say "v'Nachu Chulam"?
Radak: Bees are Nach (rest) on flowers.
Malbim: The flies and bees will rest in desolate valleys and in holes in rocks, amidst the thorns and bushes. Flies dwell there. This is a metaphor for spreading over the entire land.
What are "Nachalei ha'Batos"?
Rashi: They are valleys in barren fields.
Radak: These are cities in valleys. "Ha'Batos" means desolate, like "va'Ashisehu Vasah" (5:6).
What are "Nekikei Sela'im", and why will they be in them?
Rashi: They are cavities in rocks; they will be in them to ambush.
Radak #1: They are fortified cities in rocks.
Radak #2: They are peaks.
What are "Na'atzutzim"?
Rashi: They are places of thorns (thickets). This is like "Tachas ha'Na'atutz Ya'aleh Verosh" (55:13).
Radak: They are low trees, like "Tachas ha'Na'atutz Ya'aleh Verosh v'Sachas ha'Sirpad Ya'aleh Hadas." This is a metaphor for open cities.
What are "Nahalolim"?
Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Batei Tushbechasa (Vilna Gaon - i.e. houses of idolatry).