
What is the Koseres?


Rashi: It is the roof of the Mechonah. It is like a hat sloped in every direction. There is a round hole in the middle, one and a half Amos wide; it is surrounded by a wall, half an Amah tall. This is Pi ha'Koseres; the base rests on the wall.


Malbim: I explained above (verse 28) that the Kiyor was four Amos tall, one Amah more than the Mechonah. A half Amah extended above the Mechonah around the base of the Kiyor; this was the Koseres.


What is the meaning of "u'Fihu mi'Beis la'Koseres va'Ma'alah ba'Amah"?


Rashi: The mouth of the base sticks out of the mouth of the crown (refer to 7:31:1:1), and goes an Amah above.


Radak: The mouth of each the Loyos [sticks out an Amah above the crown].


Gra: After the Mechonah extended one Amah tall, the mouth extended above this.


Malbim: The Kiyor (four Amos tall) extended one Amah above the Koseres, which was a half Amah above the Mechonah, which is was three Amos tall. We infer that the Kesefos coming out of the planks, on which the Kiyor rested, were half an Amah tall.


What is the meaning of "u'Fiha Agol Ma'ase Chen"?


Rashi: The mouth of the crown is round, like a round base.


Radak: The mouth of the crown was made like the base.


Gra: On top of the mouth was another mouth, made like a base for the Kiyor to rest on it. It extended half an Amah from the crown.


Malbim: The opening of the Mechonah to receive the Kiyor is made like a base for it.


What is one and a half Amos?


Rashi: This is the width of the circle (the wall around).


Malbim: [The bottom one and a half Amos of the Kiyor was square, and the top two and a half Amos were round.) The mouth of the Mechonah had to be round to be a proper base for the Kiyor, i.e.] its top Amah, and the half Amah of the crown


What is "Mikla'os"?


Rashi: It is the forms of flowers.


Gra, Malbim: [The half-Amah that stuck out] had a braided form.


Obviously, if they are square, they are not round!


Radak: It needed to say so because the Yam was square below and round above (Eruvin 14b).


Gra: Even though above the mouth was round, where it connected to the Misgeres it was square.


Malbim: Since the bottom one and a half Amos of the Kiyor was square, the Misgeros around it in the Mechonah had to be square to be a proper base for it. The Mechonah opened to enable to remove the Kiyor and return it when needed. 1


One could not remove the Kiyor or return it via the mouth above, for the Mechonah was shaped like the Kiyor inside it, square below and round above, and surrounded it closely. One could not pass the square part through the round part! (PF)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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