
What is the meaning of "Va'u Mayim Ad Nafesh"?


Sotah 37a: Nachshon ben Aminadav jumped into the sea first. He said "Hashem save me, for the waters came to [my neck, the point of] mortality. I sank in mud in which one cannot stand."


Tanchuma (Vayera 22): On the way to the Akeidah, the Satan put a river in front of Avraham and Yitzchak to stop them. Avraham said, if one of us drowns, how will we fulfill Your word?! Hashem dried the river.


Rashi: The nations [are about to kill us].


Radak: The afflictions of Galus are compared to water that is up to the neck, and he is close to death.


Malbim (1): The danger is great.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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