Why does it attribute Zera to Yakov?
Radak: Zera is Brachah, i.e. seed proper for Yakov. Yakov includes the 10 tribes.
Malbim: This refers to the 10 tribes. I will take out good seed from them.
Why does it attribute Yoresh to Yehudah?
Radak: Yehudah includes Binyamin. They were one kingdom, and were exiled together. It mentions the two exiles, i.e. also the 10 tribes, which did not return from their first exile [along with Galus Bavel]. Even they are promised to return to their land and inherit it.
Why does it say "Harai"?
Radak: These are Har Tziyon and Har ha'Bayis, in Yehudah's portion 1 .
Malbim: This is Har Tziyon, in the portion of Yehudah and Binyamin, which were one kingdom.
Almost the entire Mizbe'ach, which is on Har ha'Bayis, was in Binyamin's portion! Radak said that Binyamin is included with Yehudah. (PF)
Who are "Bechirai" that will inherit?
Malbim: They are the tribes; they will take their portion in the land.
Why does it say "Avadai Yishkenu Shamah"?