
Why does it say "Im Yolid Ish"?


Rashbam: This is the man that a stranger consumed his money.


Is 100 children precise?


Rav Sadya Gaon: It is a Mashal.


Ibn Ezra: It is many. Verses often say 10, 100 or 1,000, for these numbers complete a count. Also seven is used [and it is not precise - refer to 11:2:1:4].


Rashbam: No. It refers to many esteemed births, in contrast to the Nefel at the end of the verse, whose birth is disgraced and repulsive.


What is the meaning of "v'Rav she'Yihyu Yemei Shanav"?


Rashi: Rav is an expression of Dai (enough). He will have enough good in his years.


Ibn Ezra: He will live more than is normal.


Rashbam: This is a repetition of "v'Shanim Rabos Yichyeh."


Ri Kara: He will live until he says 'my days and years are enough.'


Seforno: He will be happy with his lifespan, and consider his years 'Shnei Chayim', even if they are years of pain.


Metzudas David: He will have grandeur and honor in his years.


In what sense is his Nefesh not satiated?


Rashi: He is not happy with his portion for his Ru'ach to be calm with what he has.


Rid: Since he lived many years, he should have seen grandchildren; he did not, for all his children died in his lifetime [before they begat children].


Seforno: It will have no hope of eternal happiness.


Metzudas David: He did not fulfill his desire in any matter.


Why did he have no burial?


Rashi: He was killed, and dogs ate him 1 . All of these happened to Achav (Koheles Rabah). He fathered many Banim 2 , had much money, he coveted of others (e.g. Navos) and was not satisfied with what he had, and dogs (R. Avigdor #1 - Chayos and birds) ate him 3 .


Ibn Ezra: He was not buried in shrouds.


Rid: There was no one to bury him (all his children died in his lifetime 4 ).


R. Avigdor #2: The verse hints to Haman; he had many sons 5 (Esther 5:11).


Seforno: He did not die yet. He is not considered dead, nor alive; his days of pain endure. They are not 'Yemei Chayim.'


Ri Kara: Alternatively, he drowned in the sea.


He had 70 Banim in Shomron (Melachim II, 10:1), and another 70 in Yizre'el, and he lived many years (Koheles Rabah). (He reigned 22 years, and his father Amri reigned only 11! We must say that Amri, the Sar Tzeva, was already old when Zimri died and Yisrael made him king. - PF)


His body was buried, but dogs slurped his blood (Melachim I, 22:37-38). Koheles Zuta - Chayos and birds ate him. Perhaps they ate part, and the rest was buried. (PF).


He is no worse than a Mes Mitzvah. Whoever sees him has a Mitzvah to bury him! (PF) Magihah (in Toras Chayim) - he did not have a burial proper for him.


He had 30, 90 or 228 sons (Megilah 15b). He was wealthy, and unsatisfied with what he had (Esther 3:9, 5:11, 13). The Targum on 9:14 describes how he hung [11 months after he was hung] on the Etz with his sons; 'in order that birds not eat him' implies that they intended to leave him hanging, and not bury him. Otzar Midrashim says that Haman sold himself to Mordechai when Mordechai was exiled [with Yechanyah]. Achashverosh's party was 70 years later (Megilah 11b); this shows that Haman lived many years. (PF)


What "Nafel" is better than him?


Rashi: A miscarriage. Seforno - it was not pained at all.


R. Avigdor: Izevel 1 , who fell (Melachim II, 9:33).


R. Avigdor explained like Koheles Rabah, that the verse discusses Achav. How was she better than him? He was humbled after being rebuked. He was heading towards Teshuvah after the episode on Har ha'Karmel, but she incited him to do evil and ordered to kill Eliyahu (Melachim I, 18:39-19:2, 21:25-29)! She was worse regarding burial - only her skull, feet and palms could be buried (Melachim II, 9:35-37)! (PF) Perhaps she was better, for she was not Jewish (if her conversion was invalid - R. Yisrael Reisman).

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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