
What is the meaning of "Mah she'Hayah Kevar Nikra Shmo"?


Rashi: The importance that he had in his lifetime, his name was already called on this. I.e. his title of authority already passed.


Ibn Ezra: This refers to the Oni who knows (8). It suffices that he is already known by his name. Why should he seek a way of the Nefesh, until he will be like Ploni? Perhaps he will not attain it!


Seforno: It was already [decreed] if he will have poverty, or wealth


Why does it say "v'Noda Asher Hu Adam"?


Rashi: He is a man, and not Kel; in the end, he will die.


Rashbam: He is esteemed and a Gibor.


Ri Kara: In every way that a person conducted himself commendably, like Hashem gave to him wealth, and gave to him authority over it to eat from it and rejoice in his portion, this cannot be annulled. It was already known that he is esteemed.


R. Avigdor: When Hashem created man, the angels wanted to say 'Kadosh' in front of him (they thought that he is Divine). Hashem brought sleep on him. A Mashal for this is a king and a governor who came to a city. The residents wanted to sing praises to the king, but they did not know which is the king. The king cast him to [conduct] the wagon, and all knew that he is the king. So too, when Adam slept, all knew that he is Adam.


Seforno: It is known that he is earth from the Adamah.


Metzudas David: When man died, all know that he was only an Adam, and he could not contest the angel of death, who is stronger than himself.


Why can he not go to judgment with "ha'Takif Mimenu"?


Rav Sadya Gaon: The latter's claims are stronger.


Rashi: He cannot contest the angel of death, who is stronger 1 than himself. Rashbam - this is why I said that all is Hevel! Ri Kara - this is why one must act while he is alive in a way that people will mention him for Shevach.


Ibn Ezra: [The Oni] should not request what the [truly] living request, and try to be like them.


Rid: He cannot contest Hashem, who decreed that he not benefit from his money.


Seforno: He cannot annul the decree of One who is stronger than himself.


Metzudas Tziyon: Takif is an expression of strength, like "Im Yiskefu ha'Echad" (4:12).

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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