
What is the significance of "Einayim Ramos"?


Malbim: This adds to "Koretz b'Einav" (13). Elevated eyes are haughtiness. He is haughty against Emunah 1 .


Perhaps haughtiness opposes Emunah, for one who believes that man cannot do anything by himself (Hashem does everything) will not be haughty. (PF)


What is the significance of "Leshon Shaker"?


Orchos Tzadikim (Sha'ar ha'Sheker DH v'Yesh): There are two punishments for this Midah. (a) Due to Sheker, even if it does not damage - Hashem despises it (16). (b) Due to the damage that it causes to his colleague.


Malbim: This adds to "Ikeshus Peh" (12). The tongue hints to Binah; he opposes Chachmah with deceptive proofs and comparisons.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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