
Bearing in mind what the Torah writes in Pasuk 22, "Kol Zachar ba'Kohanim Yochal osah", what does the Pasuk mean when it writes "ha'Kohen ha'Mechatei osah Yochlenah"?


Rashi: This authorizes any Kohen who is fit to perform the Avodah 1 to receive a portion of the Chatas (or of any other Kodshei Kodshim), and precludes a Kohen who is Tamei.


At the time of Zerikas ha'Dam the blood is being sprinkled (Rashi, Avodah Zarah, 52b).


What does "Hi" then come to preclude from the law of Tzafon?


Ramban It comes to preclude the Korban Todah and the Eil Nazir 1 from the law of Tzafon.


Which are Kodshim Kalim. See Torah Temimah, note 103).


Why does the Torah add "ba'Chatzar Ohel Mo'ed?


Rashi (on Pasuk 19): To teach us that if it leaves the precincts of the Azarah it becomes Pasul

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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