
Why did Hashem now speak to Aharon as well?


Rashi and Ramban: Because, following Moshe's complaint regarding his speech defect, Hashem sent Aharon together with him to act as his spokesman. 1


Refer to 6:12:2:1.


What are the connotations of the double expression "Vayetzav'em el B'nei Yisra'el ve'el Par'oh Melech Mitzrayim"?


Rashi #1 and R. Bachye #1: He commanded them to lead Yisrael gently (not to be angry with them and not to curse them ? R. Bachye) and to address Par'oh with respect. 1


Rashi #2 and Ramban #1 (citing the Ibn Ezra): He commanded them with regard to the matters concerning Yisrael and his Shelichus to Par'oh, which the Torah will present later (from Pasuk 6:29 and onwards).


Rashi #3 (in Bamidbar 11:12): He commanded him to bear Yisrael, even to the point that they threaten to stone him and insult him. 2


Ramban #2 (in Pasuk 12): The Pasuk means that Moshe and Aharon should speak to Yisrael and tell them whatever Hashem would command them; and Par'oh to send Yisrael out of his land.


R. Bachye #2 (citing Midrash): He commanded them to warn Yisrael against idol-worsship, which they had practiced in Egypt. 3


Seforno: It means that Hashem appointed Moshe and Aharon princes 4 over Yisrael and over Par'oh - creating an aura of Divine authority that forced Yisrael and Par'oh to obey their every command concerning the redemption.


Moshav Zekenim (in Pasuk 12): It means that Hashem commanded B'nei Yisrael to leave Egypt, and Par'oh to expel them, even if they do not want to leave.


Hadar Zekenim: It means that Hashem commanded them to go to Par'oh on behalf of Klal Yisrael, 5 and order him to expel them.


Yerushalmi Rosh Hashanah (3:5): Following Pasuk 6:11, Hashem instructed Moshe and Aharon to teach Yisrael the Dinim concerning sending away one's Eved Ivri after six years. 6


Like we find later in Bo. Refer to 11:8:1:1. See R. Bachye for more examples.


Oznayim la'Torah: Which they must accept without being fazed - a major lesson in leadership. And this is followed by the Yichus of Reuven, Shimon and Levi, the three tribes that produced the three people who caused Moshe the most trouble - Dasan and Aviram from Reuven, Zimri from Shimon and Korach from Levi.


See R. Bachye, who, citing Yechezkel, proves that Yisrael serve Avodah-Zarah in Egypt.


Seforno: As in Bamidbar 27:23, and Shmuel I 25:30.


This is also how Rashi explains it Bereishis 50:16.


These Dinim are found in Sh'mos 21. See Torah Temimah, notes 11 and 12.



Rashi writes: "'He commanded them unto Bnei Yisrael' - [I.e.] to lead them gently, and to tolerate them... This is the Midrash." Why does Rashi digress from the simple meaning?


Gur Aryeh: If our verse means simply that Hashem commanded them regarding their mission of bringing the Bnei Yisrael out of Mitzrayim, it ought to specify the details of how they should do so -- at this point in the text, rather than waiting until the next section (7:1-5).


Rashi writes: "'He commanded them unto Bnei Yisrael' - [I.e.] to lead them gently, and to tolerate them." How can this interpretation be read into the Pasuk?


Gur Aryeh: It need not be specified; like a person who tells someone, "I charge you with my son" (i.e. watch over him, take care of him).


Rashi writes: "'He commanded them unto Bnei Yisrael' - [I.e.] to lead them gently, and to tolerate them." How, then, does the end of the Pasuk fit in, "... to take the Bnei Yisrael out of Mitzrayim"?


Gur Aryeh: The verse means, 'As you taking the Bnei Yisrael out from Egypt, you will need to speak to them (as well as before Pharaoh) Be sure to lead them gently (and to speak to Pharaoh with respect).'

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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