What does "b'Chol Moshvoseichem" include?
Malbim: Also in settled places, cities will be destroyed, in order that the Bamos be desolate.
What is the meaning of "Tishamnah"?
Radak: It is desolation. The root is Yasham; it is like Shemamah and Shamem.
Why does it say "Lema'an"?
Radak: It is Ba'avur 1 (in order that). Malbim ? the purpose of the destruction is so people will know that they are liable to Hashem.
The following words in Radak are not clear. Perhaps the text should say 'the sin of the cities is the [Bamos,] Mizbechos and idols. (PF)
What is "Yechervu"?
Radak: It is Churban (destruction).
What is the meaning of "v'Yeshmu"?
Rashi: They will be recognized in their guilt.
Why does it say "v'Nishberu v'Nishbesu"?
Malbim: Via breakage of the Bamos, the idols will cease; people will stop making them.
What is the connection of "v'Nigde'u Chamaneichem" to "v'Nimchu Ma'aseichem"?
Malbim: Via breakage of the Chamanim, your deeds will be wiped out; you will not make them any more.