What is the meaning of "k'Hakir"?
Rashi: This is based on Makor (source, i.e. of a spring). Malbim - the evil that will come on Yerushalayim is not external. Rather, it is from her sins. This is like a well whose water comes from a spring. The water was not merely poured in from elsewhere!
What is "Bir"?
Rashi: It is a Be'er (well).
What is the meaning of "Hekerah Ra'asah"?
Rashi: Their evil flows; it always increases and is renewed. Malbim - Hekerah refers to also to Chali u'Makah (the sin is the source of the afflictions).
Why does it say "Chamas va'Shod Yishama Bah? Chali u'Makah"?
Radak: They make the poor sick and strike them - "u'Fnei Aniyim Titchanu" (Yeshayah 3:15).
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: The punishment for the extortion and robbery is evil and afflictions. Malbim - Chazal said (Brachos 33a), the Arod (a crossbreed of serpent and lizard) does not kill; rather, sin kills!"
Why does it say "Al Panai Tamid"?
Radak: Just like a well, its water flows constantly, so is their evil. Just like I see and supervise forever, unlike they say "Ein Hashem Ro'eh Osanu" (Yechezkel 8:12).
Malbim: Even though My Shechinah is in the city, extortion and robbery and heard constantly.
What is "Chali u'Makah "?
Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Evil and afflictions.