Why is it written Tetz'i [and Telchi], and we pronounce it Tetz'u [and Telechu]?
Radak: The Kesiv corresponds to Keneses Yisrael (singular feminine); the pronunciation corresponds to the individuals. The meaning is the same.
They should not leave or go - what should they do?
Malbim: They should hide in holes in the city.
What is "Magor"?
Rashi #1: It is fear (Radak - if they will leave).
Rashi #2, Targum Yonasan: It is gathering, like "Megurei El Cherev" (Yechezkel 21:17).
Why does it say "Cherev l'Oyev Magor mi'Saviv"?
Radak: The enemy has a sword to strike them if they will leave.
Malbim: The fear is around your residence; the city is about to be breached.