
What is a reason for the Teivah's particular dimensions?


Maharal (Chidushei Agados Vol. 3 p. 201, on Sanhedrin 95b): The dimensions of the Teivah were not according to physical space requirements, rather, they had metaphysical significance.


Maharal (Ohr Chadash, Esther 5:14, p. 175): The width of the Teivah was 50 Amos, representing the 50 gates of Binah. The world, which can attain 49 levels, was destroyed, and Noach was saved by means of the fiftieth. 1


See ibid.; only 49 gates of Binah were made accessible to man. See also Maharal (Chidushei Agados Vol. 4, p. 70, to Zevachim 113b) regarding the Teivah's length of 300 Amos. Also refer to 6:16:1.2:1*.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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