
What does no one call?


Radak: Not one of them calls to his friend to rebuke for Tzedek.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: No one prays truthfully.


Malbim: No one rebukes for matters Bein Adam l'Chavero.


Why does it say "Ein Nishpat be'Emunah"?


Radak: The judge makes the verdict crooked.


Malbim: No one rebukes for [false] Emunah against Hashem.


What is "Bato'ach Al Tohu"?


Radak: When Ploni speaks with his friend, it is Sheker - his heart is unlike his mouth. His friend trusts in nothingness, for Ploni thinks in his heart that his friend will not find out if he speaks falsely. It is revealed in front of Hashem! Also, one day Ploni's heart will be seen from his actions; his friend trusted in vain.


Malbim: There are two groups of deniers. One of them does not investigate at all. Their denial is not based on philosophical proofs. They speak Sheker based on trust in nothingness. There is no content in their words or the foundation on which they rely. Also refer to 59:4:4:2.


What is the meaning of "Haro Amal v'Holid Aven"?


Radak: The verse depicts intent as pregnancy, and speech and deed to birth [of sin].


Malbim: The second group of deniers investigates and philosophizes. They make errant assumptions and derive from them false consequences. The assumptions are called a vain pregnancy, and the consequences are called false birth, e.g. denial of Hashem's existence, Hashgachah, reward and punishment

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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