
Do they truly seek Hashem?


Rashi: No. This was like "va'Yfatuhu b'Fihem [uvi'Lshonam Yechavzu Lo]" (Tehilim 78:36).


Radak: No. They seek only verbally, but not in the heart or in deed. One who does Tzedakah and Mishpat, it is proper for him to ask how to do. One who will not do, why should he ask? Asking compounds his sin!


Malbim: No. They think that it suffices to ask about and investigate the Mitzvos, even though they do not do them. This is why the Navi must call loudly and constantly - they do not recognize their sin at all!


Do they truly want to know Hashem's ways?


Rashi: No. They want to ask Chachamim about rulings as if they want to fulfill.


Malbim: This refers to Mitzvos Bein Adam l'Chavero; their root is "v'Halachta bi'Drachav" (Devarim 28:9) - to go in His ways and Midos. You should be merciful, gracious and bestow Chesed just like Him. They only seek to know His ways, but not to go in them.


How do they resemble a nation that did Tzedakah and did not abandon Mishpat Elokav?


Rashi: They constantly ask Me correct Mishpat, but they do not intend to fulfill it.


Malbim: Tzedakah is Mitzvos Bein Adam la'Makom, e.g. Tzitzis and Tefilin. Mishpat is Bein Adam l'Chavero. They desire closeness to Elokim as if they did Tzedakah and Mishpat and did not transgress them at all. "Kirvas" Elokim is a higher level for Tzadikim via their Kedushah and separation (distancing from Heter, lest they come to sin). One who did not fulfill obligatory Mitzvos, how can he seek Perishus, Chasidus and Kedushah - Kirvas Elokim?!


What is the significance of asking "Mishpat Tzedek"?


Malbim: Mishpat is according to the law. Tzedek is going beyond the letter of the law. One who does Mishpat and does not betray the law, he may ask how to go beyond the letter of the law. One who abandons Mishpat and steals, how can he ask about Tzedek?! They ask about Tzedek, as if they fulfill Mishpat.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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