
What was her exertion?


Rashi: She engaged in her needs to fulfill her desire, to increase her wealth.


Radak: You could have been saved in serenity in your land, had you gone in Hashem's ways. Now that you rebelled, you needed to request help, and exerted greatly on the road.


Malbim: She traveled to seek Zonim, and did not find them.


What is the meaning of "Lo Amart No'ash"?


Rashi: [You did not say] I will despair of these, and not be quick to engage in them. Rather, I will put my heart to Torah and Mitzvos.


Radak: One who is weary from traveling, he says 'my heart despairs from traveling. I will sit and rest. You did not say so. Rather, all the toil was pleasant for you.


Malbim: You did not despair of finding Zonim.


What is "Chayas Yadech [Matzas]"?


Rashi: [You found] your needs; you succeeded in your deeds. Chayas is need in Arabic.


Radak: It is the life of your strength. You found something pleasant for you like food, which is man's life and strength.


Malbim: While you find that your hand is alive (you have strength).


What illness is discussed?


Rashi: Your heart was not ill to worry about My Avodah, to engage in Torah.


Radak: You did not get ill or pained from the toil, due to your love of going in the ways of the nations, and veering away from Avodas Hashem.


Malbim: You were not ill in your own eyes, even though your legs and body were tired. As long as one hand was alive in you, you were not quiet from your evil deeds. The Nimshal is, even though via this their land was destroyed, they were exiled and dispersed and several evils passed over them, as long as some of them were in their land, they did not feel the general pain of the body, which is the Klal of the country. They did not abandon seeking foreign help and to serve [other nations'] gods.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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