Who were the men who insulted Moshe as he left Pharaoh's palace?
Rashi #1: It refers to unnamed men of Yisrael. 1
Rashi #2: Whenever we find the term "Nitzim" or "Nitzavim" 2 (implying with Chutzpah), it refers to Dasan and Aviram.
Gur Aryeh: Rashi needs to insert this, for it cannot be that the Shoterim were the ones who would challenge Moshe and Aharon (5:21). The Shoterim were Tzadikim!
Rashi: See, for example, Bamidbar 16:27. Gur Aryeh - Why was it always those two who were arguing with Moshe? Refer to 2:13:1.03, 2:13:1.01:2, and 2:13:1.01:2 3
Where were Moshe and Aharon coming from? When did this take place?
Ramban and R. Bachye (both citing Midrash Chazis): 1 Moshe came from Midyan ? three months (Tanchuma) after his first confrontation with Par?oh, 2 and, after meeting Aharon they went together to Par?oh. Like a deer which first can be seen, then disappears from view and then reappears. 3
Commenting on the Pasuk ?Domeh Dodi la?Tzevi? (Shir ha?Shirim 2:9).
R. Bachye: And that is how it will be with regard to the redeemer in the current Galus ? Galus Edom, Navi writes in n Michah 7:15 ?ki?Yemei Tzescha me?Eretz Mitzrayim Ar?enu Nifla?os?.