
Rashi writes: "'The Shoterim of Bnei Yisrael saw [them in a bad state]' - [I.e.] their fellow [Jews], who were oppressed under them." Why explain this way?


Mizrachi, Gur Aryeh: Although the word "them" is left as a pronoun, it must refer to their fellow Jews. (Only they were in a bad state.) 1


Other commentaries explain, that they saw themselves in a bad state, that they would have to convey this cruel order to their unfortunate brethren.


Rashi writes: "B'Ra - They saw them in a bad [state], and the distress that befell them...." How else might I have understood?


Gur Aryeh: The word "b'Ra" cannot mean that they looked upon their fellows negatively, disdainfully (with Ayin Ra), making them work harder. 1 On the contrary; the Shoterim were righteous, and they had even endured a beating (5:14) to protect their brethren!


But perhaps "them" refers to the Egyptians, and the verse would mean, 'They looked disdainfully upon the Egyptians who had told them, 'do not fall short of your tally of bricks!' (CS)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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