
Why does it specify Kimah and Kesil?


Brachos 58b: Kesil is essential. If not for its heat, the chill of Kimah would destroy the world. Also Kimah is essential; if not for its chill, the heat of Kesil would destroy the world! Malbim - Kimah are the Mazalos that bring cold and water. Opposite this, He made Kesil, which brings heat and dryness. Hashem removed two stars from Kimah and brought the flood. Kesil guards lest water overpower and flood the land.


Radak: Crops in their times are due to these stars. One is opposite the other; the world depends on them. It did not mention the sun and moon, even though the world depends on them, because they rule the entire year. These two stars rule at known times in the year ? "ha'Sikshar Ma'adanos Kimah Oh Moshechos Kesil Tefate'ach" (Iyov 38:31).


Radak citing Chazal: Kimah has great cold, and binds Peros. Kesil has great heat, and opens Peros. Kimah is the tail of the constellation Teleh (lamb). They reverse Mishpat to evil, and did not remember the One who reverses matters b'Mishpat to benefit the world and sustain it. The entire day and night in the Tekufos, He makes them opposites for good!


Malbim: They reverse sweet to bitter, and Heavenly happiness to an earthly matter. They reverse the orders that Hashem arranged for their success and happiness in the world to come ? so Hashem will reverse the orders of the creation to confound them and eradicate them.


Why does it mention reversing great darkness to morning, and darkening day?


Rashi: For some, their success is like daylight, and I darken it to night.


Radak: In summer, he reverses darkness to light. The days are long and the nights are short, and oppositely in winter; the day is darkened and becomes night ? the nights are long and the days are short. This makes the world endure!


Malbim: He created light, which reverses darkness to morning. Now He will do oppositely ? He will turn day into night.


What is the significance of calling to the sea water?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: He calls to gather camps numerous like water of the sea, and spreads them over the land.


Rashi citing Sifri Devarim 43: This refers to the generation of Enosh ? Hashem flooded them with the water of the Okainus (ocean).


Malbim: Hashem made Kesil, to guard lest water overpower and flood the land. Now He will call to the sea water and spill it on the land!


Why does it say "Hashem Shmo"?


Rashi: You should have served Him, and He would make you overpower your enemies!


Radak: This is like I explained above "Hashem Elokei Tzevakos Shmo" (refer to 4:13:6:1).


Malbim: He rules over all legions, and arranges them like His will. Just like they reversed the order of conduct, so He will reverse the order of conduct of the world to eradicate them from the land.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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