
Why does it say "Hoy"?


Rashi: In Tehilim, it says "Ashrei" 22 times, for those who fulfill Torah. Yeshayah said "Hoy" 22 times due to Resha'im. It is an expression of screaming over future punishments to come. Also refer to 1:4:1:1-3.


Who are "Magi'ei Vayis b'Vayis"?


Eichah Rabah (Pesichah 22) #1: One would lend to another and make his house [or field] collateral, in order to take the house [or field].


Eichah Rabah (Pesichah 22) #2: They caused the two Churbanos to resemble each other. Just like "Tziyon Sadeh Secharesh" (Yirmeyah 26:18) in Churban Rishon, and in the second.


Rashi: They (Malbim - strong-arms) make the houses close to each other, and via this, they steal land of the weak poor. The same applies to fields.


Radak: They infringe on the border and steal [the land of] the poor. If an Oni has a house or field near the Ashir, he takes it via fraud, and appends it to his house or field.


Why does it say "Sadeh v'Sadeh Yakrivu"?


Refer to 5:8:2:1-4.


Malbim: The strong-arms made houses close to each other, to steal what is in the middle; they did not do so for fields, for working the land was not important in their eyes. The verse mocks them. They should steal also the fields, so the poor would have no place, not in the city and not in the field, "v'Hushavtem Levadechem b'Kerev ha'Aretz"! Also refer to 5:9:5:1.


What is the meaning of "Ad Efes Makom"?


Eichah Rabah (Pesichah 22): They did not leave a place where they did not serve idolatry - therefore it was destroyed.


Rashi: There is no place for the poor to dwell.


Why does it say "v'Hushavtem Levadechem b'Kerev ha'Aretz"?


Rashi: You think that Hashem has no share in the land, and the poor have no share. You steal Ma'aseros, and steal the land of the poor, so only you (Radak - the great and rich people) will dwell in it. Radak - this is Huf'al conjugation. The evil judges do so.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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