What remainder is for the Nasi?
Rashi: The remainder of the length of the big Terumah the width of 25,000 from the eastern border to the western border).
What do we learn from "mi'Zeh umi'Zeh"?
Rashi: To the east and west of Terumas ha'Kodesh and Achuzas ha'Ir.
What do we learn from "El Pnei Chamishah v'Esrim Elef"?
Rashi: The width of 25,000, opposite the strips of the Kohanim, Leviyim and Achuzas ha'Ir, until the eastern border of Eretz Yisrael.
Why does it say "Al Gevul Yam"?
Rashi: This is like Ad Gevul Yam.
What is the meaning of "Le'umas Chalakim"?
Rashi: Opposite the length of the portions of the Shevatim.
What is "Terumas ha'Kodesh"?
Rashi: It is the Kohanim's strip.
Malbim: The Nasi's portion is called so, for in its middle is the Kohanim's portion with the Mikdash.
What is the meaning of "b'Sochah"?
Rashi: It is all in the middle of the Nasi's inheritance.