
Where are the extra 5,000 Amos?


Rashi: The strip of Terumah ha'Gedolah was 25,000 wide, and its length was like the other strips ? from the eastern border to the western border. Two strips were separated from it in its middle - 25,000 long and 20,000 wide. There remained 5,000 by 25,000 ? they will be for the city. The width of 5,000 will be along the length of 25,000 of Terumas ha'Leviyim.


Why does it say "Chol Hu"?


Rashi: It is not Kodesh, like the strip of the Kohanim and the Leviyim. It is Chol compared to them. The city will be for Yisrael to dwell in it, and the Migrash around the city. Radak ? even so, it is Kodesh and Terumas ha'Aretz; Yerushalayim is more Kadosh than the rest of Eretz Yisrael.


What do we learn from "b'Socho"?


Rashi: It is in the middle of that strip 1 .


Refer to 48:8:3:1, 48:18:2:2.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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