
What did Yosef mean when he added the word "ba'Zeh"?


Rashi: He showed to Yaakov the document of Erusin via which Asenas became betrothed 1 to him, and her Kesuvah document. 2 Yosef then requested mercy, and Ru'ach ha'Kodesh rested upon Yaakov.


Ramban: Yosef meant, 'As you said - these were born to me in Egypt before you arrived, and you said that you consider them like your own.'


Riva: Targum Onkelos connotes that it means "here." 3


Ohr ha'Chayim #1: Even during his exile in a strange land, Hashem graced him


Ohr ha'Chayim #2: This hints to what it says in Sotah 36b, that Yosef was destined to father 12 sons. Due to the episode with Eshes Potifar, semen left from his 10 fingertips, and he fathered only two (the Gematriya of the letter Beis) of the 12 (the Gematriya of "Zeh").


Malbim: They wear different clothing because they were born here; the place and the situation obligate [them to dress so - refer to 48:8:1:4].


Sifsei Chachamim: Yosef thought that Yaakov does not want to bless them, for they were not born through Kidushin.


Moshav Zekenim, citing R. Moshe - He learns from a Gezerah Shavah to "Zeh Sefer Toldos Adam" (5:1).


Alshich: They are Banai - Tzadikim like me, but being born in this Tamei place affected them.


Why did he attribute his two sons to Hashem?


Ramban: He was acknowledging the miracles that Hashem had performed with him until Pharaoh gave him Asenas and she bore him these two sons.


Ohr ha'Chayim: When Tzadikim mention good that came to them, they give honor to Hashem, the Giver - as in the Pasuk "ha'Yeladim Asher Chanan Elokim" (33:5).


Ha'amek Davar (to 48:5,9): Yosef was confused as to why Yaakov mentioned Efrayim before Menasheh. He thought that Yaakov had a different intent (to show that Reuven is below Shimon, just like Efrayim is below Menasheh, and not to favor Efrayim). It would be improper to mention them unlike the order that Yaakov said. Therefore, he did not mention their names at all. To arouse love, he said that Hashem gave to him seed that Hashem blessed; they are not like other children, via the nature of man (to reproduce).


What caused the Shechinah to return?


Rashi: Yosef's Tefilos.



Rashi writes that Yosef showed the documents of Erusin and the Kesuvah. What Kosher witnesses were available in Egypt? They are essential for Kidushin and documents!


R. Chaim Paltiel: A document in the husband's handwriting is like a signed document. 1


Yisa Yosef (6, p.142): Even though Kesav Yado does not enable her to take land sold to buyers, she can pardon this; it suffices that she can collect from Bnei Chorin (Rav S.Z. Auerbach). However, Rav Elyashiv held that Kesav Yado does not suffice for the Kesuvah.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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