What is the meaning of "Lo Filalti"?
Rashi, Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: 'I would not have thought.' 1
Rashbam: It is an expression of Din. 2
Ha'amek Davar: It is not mere thought. It is striving to attain something. I did not strive even to see your face, for I despaired from you.
Like we find in Yeshayah (16:3).
Like we find in Tehilim (106:30) (Rashbam) and so says Rashi (to Yechezkel 16:52). Rashi (to Devarim 18:3) says that in Tehilim (ibid.) it is an expression of Tefilah.
Rashi writes: "'Lo Filalti' - My heart did not dare to think [that I would see your face again!]" Why does Rashi explain this way?
Gur Aryeh: As Rashi will explain, the verb 'Palel' means 'to think.' Obviously, do not translate as, 'I didn't (happen to) think about seeing you again;' but rather as, "I did not dare to think that I might see you again."