
What is "Gevul ha'Aretz"?


Rashi: The borders of Eretz Yisrael.


Also "Ge Gevul" (13) means 'this is the border.' Why was this repeated?


Malbim: Above it said how they will inherit (equal portions for each Shevet). Here it gives the borders.


What is "li'F'as Tzafonah"?


Rashi: The northern direction.


Why does it specify Yam ha'Gadol?


Rashi: It is the western border.


Why does it say "ha'Derech Cheslon"?


Rashi: The border comes to the east, to Cheslon, Tzedadah, Chamas, Berosah and Sivrayim (16). All these cities are on the north border.


Radak: There is the prefix Hei ha'Yedi'ah (to identify) in ha'Derech, even though it is Samuch, just like "ha'Aretz Kena'an" (Bamidbar 34:2) and similar verses.


Is this the same border that the Chumash gave?


Malbim citing the Meforshim: Yes 1 .


Malbim: No. The borders will expand in every direction. The north border will be from Damesek in the northeast to Tzor and Tzidon in the northwest 2 . Chavran mentioned here (16) is Chadrach in Zecharyah (9:1). Also refer to 47:16:4:2.


Malbim: If so, why does Yechezkel elaborate to teach the same borders? Also this opinion holds that they will inherit only west of the Yarden, but not east of it (Rashi, verse 18). This contradicts other Nevi'im, who promised that Yisrael's border will expand in the future! Zecharyah (9:1) said that the north border will be until Damesek, and include Tzor and Tzidon. Ovadyah said that they will inherit Har Esav, and Binyamin will inherit Gil'ad, in Ever ha'Yarden! There will be five Shevatim south of Yerushalayim (Perek 48). Yerushalayim is in the south ? how can five tribes fit in what used to be for Yehudah alone?! Refer to 47:15:6:2, 48:8:2:1*.


Malbim: Damesek is north and east of Chatzer Einan (the northeast border in the Torah), and Tzor and Tzidon are far north of Hor ha'Har (the northwest border in the Torah).

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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