We learned earlier that Pharaoh granted Yaakov the rights to settle in Goshen. Where does Ra'meses now fit into the picture?
Rashi: Ra'meses is part of Goshen. 1
Chayei Yitzchak: Initially, Pharaoh wanted Bnei Yisrael to be in Eretz Mitzrayim proper (47:6). Only if they will not be happy there, they may settle in Goshen, which is close to Eretz Yisrael. At first, Yosef settled them in Ra'meses. Afterwards, when he made people move from place to place, he resettled them in Goshen.
It is nevertheless puzzling as to why throughout the current Parshiyos, the Torah talks about Yaakov settling in Goshen without mentioning Ra'meses, and here it mentions Ra'meses but not Goshen? (EC)
What exactly does the Torah mean when it writes that Yosef gave his father and brothers a possession in the Land of Egypt?
Rashi writes: "Ra'meses - is [part] of Goshen." If so, Mizrachi asks, why did the brothers ask for the entire land of Goshen (47:4)? Wasn't this much more than they needed?
Gur Aryeh: Their request was to live [in some part] of the Land of Goshen -- rather than in Egypt proper.