
It would suffice to say that there will be no plowing! Why did he add "or reaping"?


Riva, citing R. Tam: There are lands that do not need plowing, like Egypt, for the Nile waters it (and wets the ground - Moshav Zekenim).


Pesikta Zutresa (Lekach Tov): There will not even be Sefichim (things that grow by themselves). Moshav Zekenim - Pesachim 52b expounds like this. Ha'amek Davar - He mentioned also plowing, for in Eretz Kena'an there was reaping -- but not the sort of reaping that comes only through plowing, i.e. reaping of grain. 1



Rashi writes: "'For this [has been] two years of famine' - [i.e. two years] have elapsed, out of the years of famine." What is Rashi clarifying?


Gur Aryeh: Do not understand as, ' we just had a difficult two-year famine; and [now, in addition] we are about to have five years with no harvest' - for then the past two years would be irrelevant. Rather, it means that out of the destined seven years, only two years have passed, and five years of famine are left to come.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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