Why does it say "Timkor Amcha"?
Radak: One who sells something does not hope that it will return to him. The length of our exile is as if You sold us to Goyim.
Malbim: Not only were we like Hefker to be plundered. Rather, masters acquired us as if You sold Your nation to them.
Why does it say "b'Lo Hon"?
Radak: A seller receives money. You did not [receive anything for us] - "Chinam Nimkartem" (Yeshayah 52:3).
Malbim: If one bought something for much money, he is concerned for it. You sold us without much money!
Why does it say "v'Lo Ribisa bi'Mechireihem"?
Radak #1: You do not lack money, for which You needed to sell us - gold and silver is Yours! "Im Er'av Lo Omer Lecha Ki Li Sevel u'Melo'ah" (50:12).
Radak #2: You did not increase Your wealth via taking money for selling us.
Malbim: This was unlike one who buys, and there is Ribis for delaying to pay the money. Here, the buyer did not pay, and there is no Ribis!