
Who is this Nasi?


Rashi: He is the Kohen Gadol.


Radak, Malbim: He is Melech ha'Mashi'ach ? "v'David Avdi Nasi Lahem l'Olam" (37:25).


Why does it say "Es ha'Nasi Nasi Hu?"?


Rashi: I give permission to the Nasi, for he is important. It is not proper for him to eat with other Kohanim in chambers. They open for him 1 to eat there.


Radak: "Es ha'Nasi" is like El ha'Nasi. The same applies to "v'Har'ah Es ha'Kohen" (Vayikra 13:49), "Es Mi Higadta Milin" (Iyov 26:4) and similar verses. Targum Yonasan is like this ? it will be to the great [one]; he is great. This gate, via which no one will come, will be to the Nasi.


Rashi explained that the southern Pishpesh will never be opened. Here he means that they will open Ulam Sha'ar ha'Mizrachi to enable him to get to there. (PF)


Where will the Nasi eat?


Rashi: In the interior [of the gate].


Radak: Because he is Nasi Yisrael, he sits in this gate outside the outer threshold.


Malbim: He sits inside the threshold of the gate.


What "Lechem" will he eat there?


Rashi: He eats meat and bread of Kodshim.


Radak, Malbim: He eats Shelamim 1 .


They hold that the Nasi is Mashi'ach (not a Kohen), so he can eat only Kodshim Kalim, i.e. Shelamim. Also Todah is a kind of Shelamim; Ma'aser Behemah is like a Shelamim. (PF)


What do we learn from "mi'Derech Ulam ha'Sha'ar Yavo"?


Rashi: When he enters Chatzer ha'Penimi in order to enter this small gate to eat there, he will enter via the Ulam of the eastern gate of the Azarah.


Malbim: Even when he eats, the gate is closed. He enters via the northern gate or the southern gate, via Ulam ha'Sha'ar.


What is the significance of "umi'Darko Yetzei"?


Rashi: Below, it says that when commoners come during the festivals, "ha'Ba Derech Sha'ar ha'Tzafon Lehishtachavos Yetzei Derech Sha'ar Negev" (46:9). There, they come to be seen in the Azarah; Hashem commanded to make the Azarah a shortcut (leave opposite the side from which he entered), for a nice Re'iyah (he must traverse the Azarah from one side to the other). The rest of the year, one does not enter for Re'iyah; one may not make the Azarah a shortcut. It is improper to do so in this case, for this gate is closed, except for when the Nasi eats.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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