What is the question "u'Mi Chamoni Yikra"?
Rashi: Who will call that he is like Me?
Radak: Whoever is Elokim like Me, let him call the past and future events.
Malbim: This addresses the deniers. You think that there is another G-d like Me - those who say that I am not Kadmon, there was a G-d before Me. Those who deny My unity, there is another G-d together with Me.
What is "[mi'Sumi] Am Olam"?
Rashi: It is all the creations.
Radak: From creation of the world. When I created the creations, I put each in its boundary - higher beings above, and lower beings below.
Malbim: Since there is existence, there must be something that perforce exists. Also the order of the world proves that a Chacham made it, and He always existed, for the order never changed.
What are "Osiyos"?
Rashi: They are wonders. Radak - i.e. let them tell wonders that happened from the creation until now.
Radak: They are what will come soon. "Va'Asher Tavonah" are matters that will come a long time from now.
What does the verse say about matters to come?
Rashi: Let them tell future matters, like I do now. The Bayis was not destroyed yet, and I did not exile them, and Koresh was not born, and I tell you about him!
What is the meaning of "Lamo"?
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: This is like Lanu (to us).
Radak: They will say so for themselves, to justify themselves.