Who will say "la'Shem Ani"?
Rashi: Absolute Tzadikim will say so.
Radak: Everyone left in Yisrael; all will be Tzadikim - "v'Hayah ha'Nish'ar b'Tziyon veha'Nosar bi'Yrushalayim Kadosh Ye'amer Lo" (4:3), "v'Hayah Kol Asher Yikra b'Shem Hashem Yimalet" (Bamidbar 10:32).
Malbim: Divine influence and recognition of Hashem will increase so much, to the point that there will be many levels in recognition of Hashem. (a) Nochrim will recognize Hashem, and say 'I am to Hashem', and not for a foreign god, even though they will not accept His Torah. Also refer to 44:5:2:2, 44:5:5:2.
Who will be called Yakov?
Rashi: These are minors, the children of Resha'im.
Malbim: These are the commoners from the seed of Yakov, who guard their lineage to guard the law of their fathers.
Why does it say "Zeh
Radak: One will come from here and one from here - "v'Atem Tilketu l'Achad Echad Bnei Yisrael" (27:12).
What is writing his hand to Hashem?
Radak: He will say with his mouth and write with his hand that he is to Hashem.
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: He will offer Korbanos.
Malbim: Refer to 44:5:5:2.
Who will write his hand to Hashem?
Rashi: These are Ba'alei Teshuvah.
Malbim: These are Tzadikim who always go in front of Hashem, to the point that he writes his hand to Hashem, like one who gives a document to be Makdish all his productivity. He will not do anything Chulin, only what is for Hashem and guarding His Mitzvos. After he does so, Hashem calls him Yisrael. His conduct is above nature, for he is a servant of Hashem.
Who will be called Yisrael?
Rashi: These are converts.
Malbim: Refer to 44:5:5:2.
What is the meaning of "Yechaneh"?
Radak: He will call himself Yisrael. He will not mention his own name, just he will say 'I am a Yisrael.'