
What is the meaning of "ha'Omer l'Tzulah Charavi"?


Rashi: He tells Bavel to dry. Radak - Bavel is compared to Metzulah (the depth) of the sea for two reasons. It is full of water, and it was a valley. No good will remain in it; Koresh will destroy it.


Malbim: Even though it is low, and naturally, water gathers to it, I will tell it to be dry.


Why does it discuss drying its rivers?


Rashi: Bavel dwells on rivers. Killing its people is called drying its rivers.


Radak: This is a metaphor. Everything is in Hashem's hand. He said that Yerushalayim, which was destroyed, will be built, and Bavel, which was built, will be destroyed.


Malbim: Since Bavel is low, naturally, its rivers cannot dry. The Nimshal is, even though Bavel is succeeding, Hashem will reverse it, via Koresh, who conquered Bavel and allowed Yisrael to build Yerushalayim.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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