
What is "ha'Azarah"?


Rashi: The roof of the Mizbe'ach, including the place of the corners and the Kohanim's walkway. It was 28 by 28; here it says 14, i.e. from the middle, like it says "Al Arba'as Reva'eha."


Radak: I am unsure if this is Azarah Gedolah or Ketanah (refer to 43:14:2:3).


Radak: Yonason translates "Azarah" as Mesamsa. I did not find anything like this word.


Radak, from Zevachim 54b: Azarah is like the building of the Mizbe'ach itself. It is called Malben (frame) or Malbenos Azarah, for the Mizbe'ach was made via frames. To build the Mizbe'ach, we bring a frame 32 Amos square and one Amah tall; and whole, moist smooth stones (big and small), plaster, molten lead and pitch. We mix them and pour it into the frame to form the Yesod. We then bring a frame 30 Amos square and five Amos tall, and do the same. The next frame is 28 Amos square and three Amos tall, we do the same. The last frames are one cubic Amah, for each Keren.


Malbim: It is the big Azarah (verse 14).


Refer to 43:16:2:2, 43:16:2:2 1 .


What is "veha'Gevul Saviv Osah"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Gadanfa (a frame).


Rashi citing Menachos 97b: It is the corners.


Malbim: It is a protrusion from the Mizbe'ach, a Zeres (half Amah) wide, to make the border between upper and lower blood. It was an Amah before (below) the Sovev began. This protrusion was only a Tefach thick.


What was half an Amah?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: [Each corner] was half an Amah in every direction from the middle (a square Amah).


Radak: The frame around the Azarah was half an Amah tall.


What is the meaning of "veha'Chik Lah Amah"?


Rashi: This is the recession of the Yesod. Malbim - lest we err to say that the Yesod was an Amah wider than the Gevul (protrusion to border between the upper and lower blood), here it teaches that the Yesod stuck out only an Amah [from what was just above it].


Radak: I do not know the function of the Chik of the Azarah.


What is the meaning of "u'Ma'alosehu Penos Kadim"?


Rashi: The ramp on which [Kohanim] ascend to it is in the south, so one who ascends it will face east, for all turnings are to the right. Since the ramp is in the south, one who ascends it and turns to the right, he faces east.


Radak: The steps on which they ascend to the Mizbe'ach they face east. "U'Ma'alosehu" is like u'Ma'alosav. Also "Magen Giborehu" (Nachum 2:4) is like Giborav. Penos is Makor (infinitive).


Are there steps to the Mizbe'ach? It says "v'Lo Sa'aleh v'Ma'alos Al Mizbechi" (Shemos 20:23)!


Rashi: There was a ramp, not steps.


Radak #1: The steps were made like a ramp 1 .


Radak #2: They ascended the steps outside the Azarah.


Radak, based on Targum Yonasan: They ascended the steps to the Azarah. Yonason translates every "Chik" in this Parashah as Tashvisa ? a level place.


Perhaps this means that each step was very low. One did not need to step up, so "Lo Segaleh Ervasecha Alav" (Shemos 20:23) was fulfilled. (PF).

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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