
What Rishonos should not be mentioned?


Rashi: These miracles that I mention to you that I did in Egypt - do not mention them from now. Rather, engage in thanking and praising for this Ge'ulah!


Radak: The earlier wonders. The gathering of exiles will be so wondrous that no one will mention the earlier wonders - "v'Lo Ye'amer Od Chai Hashem Asher He'elah [Es Bnei Yisrael me'Eretz Mitzrayim]" (Yirmeyah 16:14).


Refer to 43:18:2:3-4.


What is "v'Kadmoniyos Al Tisbonenu"?


Rashi: Do not look at (ponder) them and pay attention to them.


Radak: The matter is repeated in different words.


Radak citing Brachos 13a: Rishonos is [redemption from] Shibud Malchuyos. Kadmoniyos is Yetzi'as Mitzrayim.


Malbim: Rishonos is Ge'ulas Mitzrayim. You do not want to remember it. Kadmoniyos is Ge'ulas Bavel. It is closer to your time, so you did not forget it, but since it was via nature and the miracles were hidden, you do not want to contemplate them to understand [that Hashem did them].

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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