
Why does the Torah say that they brought the gift into the house? They were already inside!


Rashi: They brought it from the lobby into the main section of the house.


Ohr ha'Chayim, Ha'amek Davar: They brought it to Yosef's special room. They were [initially] in another room in the house.


Why is there a Dagesh in the Alef in the word "va'Yavi'u" (which is most unusual for a guttural letter)? And why does it say "Asher b'Yadam"? It did not say so before!


Ha'amek Davar: The Dagesh hints to bringing it strongly. 1 Each of them strived to bring it himself, not just one or two on behalf of all of them, to show dearness. This fulfilled the dream of their sheaves bowing to his.


Ha'amek Davar explains similarly regarding the Dagesh in the letter Alef in "Tavi'u Lechem Tenufah" (Vayikra 23:17).



Rashi writes: "[They brought the gift] into the house (ha'Bayesah) - i.e. from the hallway into the banquet hall." Why interpret this way?


Gur Aryeh: Yosef had already arrived home (ha'Bayesah); where else would they be bringing the gift? This second instance of the word "ha'Bayesah" must mean that within Yosef's house, they brought the gift even further inside, to where the meal would take place.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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