Why does it say "Ezkarcha me'Eretz Yarden v'Chermonim"?
Rashi: I remember what You did for us in the Yarden, and the mountains of Chermon 1 . After all that we angered You in Shitim (Zenus with Bnos Midyan and idolatry), You dried the Yarden (to enable us to pass through)!
Radak: You are lowly and astounded when I remind you that you used to come from Eretz Yarden, and from those who lived in Har Chermon, to the Beis ha'Mikdash.
What is "me'Har Mitz'ar"?
Rashi: It is from Har Sinai, which is smaller than the other mountains. After we angered You with the Egel, You pardoned our sin and went with us. All this I remember in my exile, that You refrained from benefiting me, and Your new decrees come upon me day after day.
Radak: It mentions the ends of Eretz Yisrael from which they would ascend for the Regel. Har Chermon is in Ever ha'Yarden in the east. Har Mitz'ar is not found [in Tanach]. Perhaps it is in Ever ha'Yarden. Perhaps it is Tzi'or mentioned in Arei Yehudah (Yehoshua 15:54).
Malbim: A mountain of Chermon was divided into a big mountain and a small mountain. Most of the miracles at the time of the war of Eretz Kena'an were on the small mountain.