What is the significance of the fact that the seven thin ears grew immediately after the healthy ones?
Ramban: It was a further sign that the seven years of famine would follow closely on the heels of the seven good ones. 1
Rashi writes: "Shedufos - hasledes (blasted)...." Why does Rashi need to translate this term into French?
Gur Aryeh: This term usually means [a type of] sickness (as in Devarim 28:22); Rashi gives an example in his vernacular, showing that can also be applied to plant damage.
Rashi writes: "Shedufos - [As Targum translates,] 'u'Shekifan Kidum (knocked by the east wind)." What does Rashi wish to show us using the Targum?
Gur Aryeh: Rashi [further] proves that the term "Shedufos" does not mean 'sickness' here. In Devarim 28:22, Targum does not explain the term "Shidafon;" whereas here, he uses the term "Shekifan," meaning "knocked." In context, this means that the grains had been knocked out from them.
Rashi writes: "Kadim - The east wind, known as bise [in French]." Why does Rashi need to translate this term into French?
Gur Aryeh: Rashi is proving that the east wind is the one that is wont to destroy crops; that is why it has its own name.