
What did the anointing of the Mizbach ha'Olah and all its Keilim and their sanctification represent?


Targum Yonasan: It represented Aharon and his sons, and Eliyahu the Kohen Gadol who will be sent at the end of the Galus.


Having mentioned the Mizbe'ach esrlier in the Pasuk, why does the Torah write "Vekidashta es ha'Mizbe'ach" and not " Vekidashta Oso"?


Zevachim, 87a: To teach us that whatever touches the Kevesh becomes sanctified just as it would if it touched the Mize'ach itself. 1


Refer to 29:37:1:1.


In what regard is the Torah comparing the Keilim of the Mizbe'ach to the Mizbe'ach itself?


Yerushalmi Sukah, 4:6: To teach us that the Keilim, like the Mizbe'ach, they only sanctify what is placed inside them if they are placed there with the intention of sanctifying them.


Bearing in mind that the Mize'ach ha'Olah was in the Chatzer, why does the Torah refer to it as 'Kodesh Kodshim'?


Ramban #1 and Moshav Zekenim #1: Because they offered up on it Kodshei Kodshim as well. 1


Ramban #2 and Moshav Zekenim #2: Because it sanctified whatever touched it. 2


Olos, Chata'os, Ashamos and Menachos. Otherwise, even the Heichal only bore the title 'Kodesh', since 'Kodesh Kodshim' was confined to the area which housed the Aron - as the Torah indicated in 26:33 (Ramban).


See 39:27.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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