Why does it say "keha'Chalonos ha'Eleh"?
Rashi (citing Tanchuma Yashan Beha'alosecha 7): The Hei in keha'Chalonos is extra 1 , to hint to Kehah (dim) Chalonos ? they are wide on the outside and narrow on the inside, to teach that I do not need them for light. All [other] windows are for light to enter, so they are wide on the inside and narrow on the outside.
Radak: (Normally, the prefix Hei ha'Yedi'ah (to identify) is omitted when there is a prefix of Beis, Kaf or Lamed; in place of it, there is a Patach under the prefix.) However, there are exceptions ? "leha'Gedud" (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 25:10), "beha'Shamayim Chasdecha" (Tehilim 36:6), "keha'Yom ha'Zeh" (Bereishis 39:11).