
What are "ve'Zos ha'Torah ... " in this Pasuk and "Eileh ha'Eidos ... " in the following Pasuk referring to?


Rashi: They are referring to the Mitzvos that Moshe is about to repeat starting from the beginning of Perek 5. 1


Seforno: "ve'Zos ha'Torah ... " is referring to the part of Torah that is based on thought, that Moshe taught them until now, whereas "Eileh ha'Eidos ... " in the following Pasuk is referring to the testimonies that came as a result of the miracles that they witnessed. 2


Rashi: And that is also what the next Pasuk is referring to when it writes "Eileh ha'Eidos ... ," since it is the same Mitzvos that Hashem taught Moshe at Har Sinai that Moshe is now going to repeat at Arvos Mo'av.


It is not however clear why the Seforno ignores the Chukim and Mishpatim that the following Pasuk also mentions.


Why does the Torah insert this Pasuk here?


Refer to 4:44:1:2.


Oznayim la'Torah: To teach us that the Torah is a Toras Chayim and without it is as form of deatjh. Refer rto 4:42:2:1.


Makos, 10a: To teach us that just as the Arei Miklat protect the Rotze'ach (be'Shogeg) from the Go'el ha' Dam, so too, does Torah protects those who study it from the Mal'ach ha'Maves.


Why does the Torah write " ... Asher Sam Moshe ifnei B'nei Yisrael" and not 'asher Nasan Moshe'??


Yoma, 72b: Switching the 'Siyn' with a 'Somach', it teaches us that Yorah is a 'Sam' - a balm for those who merits (who learns it li'Shemah) 1 , and a poison for those who learn it she'Lo li'Shemah'.


In order to keep it. See also Torah Temimah, note 76.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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