
How can we account for the fact that of the four sons of K'has - Amram, Yitzhar, Chevron and Uziel, Amram had only six offspring - Moshe and his two sons and Aharon and his two sons after three generations, against two thousand seven hundred and forty-two of his three brothers!?


Oznayim la'Torah: This supports what Chazal say 'B'nei Aliyah Mu'atim heimah' - the higher the level of a person, the less he increases, since Hashem scrutinizes his every action 'like the thread of a hair' and rewards and punishes him accordingly. 1


See Oznayim la'Torah, who elaborates, and inter alia, cites a mantra that whereas thorns proliferate excessively without any being cultivated, roses need to be carefully cultivated, with the result that only one rose grows among many thorns.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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