
What is the difference between "Lechasos es ha?Kodesh" and "Kol K'lei ha'Kodesh"?


Rashi: "Kodesh" refers to the Aron and the Mizbe'ach, and "K'lei ha'Kodesh", to the Menorah and the other K'lei Shareis. 1


Presumably with reference to the Shulchan, the Mizbach ha'Zahav and their respective administering vessels (though it is not clear what prompts Rashi to divide the Keilim in this way)?


What is the significance of "Masa B'nei K'has"?


Shabbos, 92a: Based on the principle that 'Whatever is carried on poles is carried one third above the shoulders and two thirds below', the entire Aron which the B'nei K'has carried was above ten Tefachim from the ground. 1 And we learn from there that someone who carries (with his hands) 2 above ten Tefachim on Shabbos is Chayav.


See Torah Temimah, note 9.


See Torah Temimah, note8.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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