What is the Pasuk referring to when it says "ve'Asah la'Par ka'asher Asah le'Par ha'Chatas?
Rashi #1: It is referring to the obligation to burn the Yoseres ha'Kaved and the two kidneys.
Why did the Pasuk not write the Din of the Yoseres ha'Kaved and the two kidneys here specifically?
Rashi (on Pasuk 19 - citing Tana de'Bei R. Yishmael): The Torah is citing the praise of Yisrael. 1 It can be compared to a king, who is angry with his close friend, and who minimizes his sin out of his love for him.
See Torah Temimah on Pasuk 9, note 35, who, citing the Maharsha, eplains that the Torah is coming to cite the praise of the Kohen Gadol.