
What Derech Chachmah did he teach?


R. Yonah: The four introductions to the way of Chachmah - fixing Midos, Emunah, Bitachon and fear. I warned you about all of them - one may not trust if he omits any of them. One must love and fear Chachamim. One must fix Midos of youth. To remove pride, contemplate from where you came - from a putrid drop [and what will be your end] - "Enosh Rimah u'Ven Adam ha'Rishon Tole'ah" (Iyov 25:6) (Avos 3:1). You should desire closeness to Hashem. Something is pleasant only if he completed his desire.


Malbim: Derech is the straight path. Ma'agal is the roundabout path. One must go in the middle straight path - the path of Chachmah, e.g. mercy, shame and humility.


Why does it add "Hidrachticha b'Magelei Yosher"?


Malbim: Sometimes one must depart from the straight path, and go on the Ma'agal (roundabout path), if the straight path does not reach his destination, e.g. a mountain or hills obstruct him. E.g. if one's nature leans to stinginess, he cannot go in the middle path (generosity). Rather, he must lean to the other extreme (spendthrift). Via this he will get used to going in the middle path of generosity. I guided you how to use the straight Ma'agalim to get to the middle path. One must not lean to the other side - "u'Nelozim b'Magelosam" (2:15). For this, it is not enough to show the path. Rather, he must be Madrich (guide) him in the path, lest he err.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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