
Why should Hashem have mercy on Ninveh?


Malbim: They are My handiwork. It is a dear matter - the great city, even though many serve idolatry.


How many people are in Ninveh?


Radak: More than 120,0008 1 .


This is how many do not know between right and left. Some explain that this is only a [small] part of the population - refer to 4:11:4:1-2. (PF)


Who is included in "Adam"?


Radak: Males and females.


Who does not know the difference between right and left?


Rashi: Minors. Radak - they have no sin. Their punishment is only due to their fathers. Since their fathers repented, the children should not be punished.


Vilna Gaon: The right kidney counsels to do good, and the left counsels for evil. A Tzadik serves Hashem with both - "b'Chol Levavecha" (Devarim 6:5). No difference is seen between his right and left.


Malbim: They lack Da'as to distinguish serving Hashem, which is called right - "mi'Ymini Bal Emot", "va'Ani Tamid Imach Achazta b'Yad Yemini" (Tehilim 16:8, 73:23), and serving nature and the Ma'arachah - the left. They should not be punished for lack of Da'as. This answered also regarding Yisrael - they already learned to distinguish between right and left. They received Divine creed and true Emunah. They should be punished for serving idolatry, even though Anshei Ninveh will not be punished for this!


Does this truly refer to animals?


Rashi: It refers to adults, and their Da'as is like an animal's - they do not recognize who created them.


Radak: Yes - they have no punishment or merit. It is proper to have mercy on them, and all the more so because they are many!


Malbim: Yes - if man sinned, did the animals sin?!

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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