Why does it mention both Yayin and Tirosh?
Radak: Tirosh is new wine. It takes the heart and intoxicates quickly.
How do Zenus, Yayin and Tirosh take the heart?
Rashi: They engaged in them ? this took their heart away from me.
Radak: Due to Zenus and constant drinking, they do not have a heart to understand the good path to go on.
Malbim: The Kohen was commanded to guard Mishmeres Hashem and to be Kadosh to his G-d. He must refrain from Zenus ? "Ishah Zonah va'Chalalah Lo Yikachu" (Vayikra 21:7), and from Yayin and Shechar ? Yamin v'Shechar At Tesht? b'Vo'achem El Ohel Mo'ed" (ibid. 10:9). Zenus and wine veer the heart from the way of Torah and Kedushah.