For how long was he silent?
Rashi: It was for many days.
Radak: I am so silent, as if I am mute.
What is "Hecheshesi mi'Tov"?
Rashi: We were silent even from Divrei Torah, due to fear of them.
Radak #1: I refrained even from good words, lest something bad come to my mouth amidst my pain.
Radak #2: I did not speak good, for nothing good happened to me to speak about it.
Radak #3: This refers to thoughts. I have no more hope of good.
Malbim: I did not speak even the good and Musar that comes from this investigation [of the Nefesh], for I feared to enter this investigation.
What is the meaning of "Ke'evi Nekar"?
Brachos 5a: If one could engage in Torah and does not (